The Value of Family

Molded by Morehead

Mr. Queen
2 min readJun 17, 2021

For Lorena A., family is paramount. She grew up in a Georgia suburb surrounded by three male cousins and her brother. Consequently, she spent much of her time outdoors riding bikes and doing anything falling under the category of “boy things.” Lorena didn’t mind being the only girl child in the group, and she smiles when she describes her care-free childhood surrounded by family.

Lorena moved to Eden when she was 7 and remained ever since. Now a graduate of Morehead High School, she reflects often on what makes Morehead so special to her: inclusivity. “Everyone at Morehead is so nice, close, and connected…students and teachers and staff are good at getting to know one another.” Lorena valued the connectedness Morehead provided through relationships with teachers and other students. Few schools provide the same combination of excellence, inclusivity, and connectedness — like a family.

While a student at MHS, Lorena was involved in Student Council, National Honor Society, Key Club, DECA, and Academic Challenge Competition. She was also a manager for the varsity women’s soccer team and active in French Club, Latin Club, Morehead Mentors, and College Ambassadors. In the fall, Lorena will attend Guilford Technical Community College to study business. She intends to transfer to UNC Chapel Hill to complete her undergraduate study as a Tar Heel.

As Lorena leaves Morehead, one particular memory makes her smile more than any other. On a particular day during her sophomore year, Lorena glanced outside a classroom window to see an inflatable “bounce house” obstacle course sitting on the front lawn. Without questioning why it was there or any pertinent school rules, she and her friends ran outside to race one another through the obstacle course time after time. And so they did each class period following for the remainder of the day.



Mr. Queen

College Adviser at Morehead High School. Student Advocate. Eden, NC.